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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rimmel and Maybelline

So far, Rimmel Mascara is one of my favorite mascaras. My first place winner goes to the Colossal BUT I finally found my camera! No more crappy phone pics! Well hopefully not lol I'll leave the cam at work so I wont lose it again lol
Since I found my camera, I can take good pictures of stuff now haha
So here's a review of Rimmel's Extreme Black Glam Eyes Mascara and Maybelline's Unstoppable Onyx Eyeliner.

Here are the products:

And here's me without any makeup on and a close up of my eyelashes.

Don't pass out from my ugly XD

I applied the mascara alone one the left side (of the pic). I didn't curl it or anything, just applied it to all naturale lashes. The right side (of the pic) is only the eyeliner, no mascara on it or any type of primer.

The Rimmel Mascara lengthened my lashes quite a bit and curled it too. I would love more volume to it, and I guess I could've accomplished it by applying more mascara but I hate thick spider legs as lashes lol I wish I got waterproof mascara though because this mascara does run. I've never used a mascara that runs like this runs like cartoon style down my face when I tear up from the wind.

The Maybelline eyeliner is soooo dark!! I love it! I need dark, dark, dark eyeliner since I'm tan, anything lighter won't show much contrast to my skin color :]
And this eyeliner lasts me from about 7 am -3 or 4 pm. So it lasts all day at work. Although, once it gets hot, that time will go down. And what I mean by last is that it's still on where I want it rather than it migrating into my creases. I'd look for waterproof eyeliner too because my eyes are so dry that they water often. The eyeliner doesnt run when I tear or anything but I'd like to be on th safe side. I hate always having to check the mirror.

Would I buy Rimmel Glam Eyes Mascara again? Probably not. I'd go for the Colossal first.
Would I buy Maybelline Unstoppable Eyeliner? Definitely. I'd try to find waterproof eyeliner though.

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