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Monday, December 6, 2010

Indian Bride Painting

So...coming home alone (TT^TT) I got bored and couldn't stand it since I was...alone (TT^TT) Sorry haha I hate being alone and sleeping alone. I've grown accustomed to sleeping with my hubby.
I did a painting. I got inspired by the manwha "Bride of the Water God".
I took pics of it as I went along. :] So now you can see the progress. It took me about 3 hours to complete it.
I used these watercolor pencils:

They were pretty cheap so I bought them and I wanted to try something new. These looks less messier than actual watercolors although I'm not a messy person...I'm just a simpler one haha.
K so here are the pics for the painting.

1. Drew the picture with pencil.
2. Outlined it with a liquid pen. (Forgot the name of it)

3. Added flowers and hennaed hand to the drawing and outlined the fabric laying on her head. I also drew more jewlery. Jewelry is very essential to an Indian wedding! And a nose ring :] I was always very fond of it.

4. Here's the painting coming in! I painted her skin first because I wanted the skin to be flawless. I didn't want any other color mixed in on accident on her skin. I also did the eyes.

5. Here's the hair. I didn't paint some parts so it can give it a slight shiny effect.

6. I did the flowers blue with a purple shading. Also did the embellishment in her hear under the flowers. Oh and did the lips.

7. Painted the fabric on her head. I stuck with my color group and did it blue with purple shading.

8. Finally, I did the background a red color because red helps stick out the blue more :] And I don't think any other color would look good. Green would've kinda blended with the blue, purple's a no, orange is too out there and so is yellow, brown is like her skin so no. Red is best yes?

Comments are greatly appreciated haha \(¤v¤)/   Haha creepy smiley

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