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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Beyonce's Skin Bleaching

So, on my previous post, I've talked about general skin bleaching.

As I was searching around, some people have talked about Beyonce's new lighter, fairer skin.

I'ts kind of crazy how light she is now, she was always light skinned for someone who's black...but then again a lot of famous stars are....kinda weird how we don't have many dark (not tan) but darker actresses and models. I know there's some don't see them too often.

Anyways, here's her pic:

Here's what some people have said:

"El Nuevo Día reports, “It appears that the singer Beyonce is following in the footsteps of her late colleague Michael Jackson and is undergoing treatment to clarify her skin and that “in recent years Beyonce’s skintone miraculously appears to be changing from dark to rosy.” It goes on to underline that the African-American singer “was recently caught [on camera] sporting a much lighter complexion than usual; the difference is remarkable.”

The article quotes English newspaper Daily Mail’s criticism that her decision to change her skin tone was intended to deny her origin, in addition to being a sample of racism. The Daily Mail article’s title is “My fair lady! Blonde bombshell Beyonce shows off her lighter side.”

Strickly Hip Hop News exclaims, “Hell, she’s practically Pamela Anderson now!”

Readers of the Daily Mail point to her Creole background, the quirks of light in photos, or the possibility of the photos being altered, raising older controversies about whether L’Oreal and Vanity Fair “whitewashed” photos of Beyonce.


Now, I'm going to put my two cents in it.
Some say that it's a trick of light and others are saying that she bleached her skin.
Yes, it can be the lighting and plus look at how bright the light on her forehead is, it looks like someone put on the flash on the camera and took a pic.
BUT she still shouldn't look so translucent.
And even if she did bleach her skin, what's so wrong about it?

People tan, why not lighten too?
Cancer is in bleaching creams?
Cancer is caused by tanning too.

Rest my case.

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