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Friday, February 18, 2011

Angelina Jolie

She's pretty gorgeous right?
I thought she was pretty awesome when she adopted a baby from my mother's homeland of Cambodia. And I thought it was alwesome how Cambodia got some footage in her hit movie, "Tomb Raider".
It helped Cambodia's tourist points go up more than it would have without gues starring as one of Tomb Raider's settings.

So anyways, you've heard bad and maybe even horrifying news about all of our celebrity stars. Usually there isn't really good news unless someone gets hitched, then in about 3 months, they get divorced and it's all bad news from there.

I was googling some pictures (I don't remember what) but I came across this really fantastically beautiful picture of Angelina Jolie.

I've heard a lot of bad crap from the magazines (which I really don't care about and never ever read...I only see the bad news on the cover when I sit in line at a walmart for like 20 min) but it doesn't get rid of the fact that she's still one of the most beautiful woman in celebrity history.

Astonishing, I must say.
Her skin is pretty flawless and her eyes are mesmerizing. The pose does wonders for this photo, talking about the hand on her shoulder to give the photo some movement. And her look isn't lifeless.
Pretty damn beautiful, thought I'd just like to let you guys who are reading know. :]
Enjoy, and have a nice day.

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