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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

[Dragonball Evolution]

So when I saw this movie's trailer/previews, I was very very skeptical. And after I watched a little bit of the movie, I was right about it.

First thing I thought when I saw the previews, "Why the F*CK is there a white dude playing an Asian cartoon character?"
Woah man, Goku is Asian. It's obvious with with big slanty anime eyes. Gawd damnit another remake of an Asian something media gone wrong, like Avatar.

Are we not cool enough? Or is it just Hollywood is racist? Well actually the second question has an obvious YES for an answer. Because if you haven't noticed, movies that star white people in it, everyone is white...the extras....the supporting actors. Some movies have tried to mix it up but it always ends up having the white guy as the main actor/actress then the best friend is Black...but usually looks or acts white-washed. I'm not saying that all Black people have to be "Ghetto", there are different personalities for every race but why is it that every movie that stars a white person, only have a non-"Ghetto" best friend?

I'm not "Ghetto" or anything but I still made friends with Cholos, Cholas, Asian geek, Asian cheerleaders, "white-washed" black people, and gangster, ghetto black people.
If you get to know other people (personalities and races included) then you'll realize that you have AT LEAST ONE thing in common with every type of person.

Like with a rapist. Rapists are disgusting human beings but you would still have one thing in common with them, even if it might only be that you love to have sex.

But damnit, this is like the gazzionth movie that can't star an Asian person based on an Anime character.

So other thingsthat struck my mind while watching about 15 minutes of this movie:
~How is it that the main character is white but the Grandpa is Asian? Half white, half Asian kid who turned out ot just look white? Maybe. But there was like no Asian aspects to him whatsoever and a baby born with mixed races is bound to have at least one thing from each parent. Like, take me for instance, I was born looking like my dad (in a feminine way) but I have my mother's hair. Maybe fake Goku had his mother's personality? Probably not.

~Bulma also looks hella Asian in the anime, come on, you can't mistaken the Asian bob she has going on. But she was...white in the movie with 2 streaks of blue in her least put most of hair blue, not all, but at least most. And let's put in an Asian actress while we're at it.

~Who the hell is the female with Piccolo? o.o

~Piccolo looks like an alien pedophile. In the anime, I remember that he looked pretty normal...he didn't have any obvious and exagerrated facial features like this real life Piccolo has...

~Goku never went to high school. I'm thinking that having the main character put into a high school surrounding was a plot to draw in the teenage's a cool twist because Dragonball fans never seen Goku go to high school before but with all of the other damn negative factors to this movie, they should've just stuck with the general idea of him being raised in the country. And how is Goku not normal? He was raised in the city. Sure there are geeks around and weirdos, but they aren't...ignorant of school customs? They know how people are and etc., they just choose to not associate with that but Goku in the movie is as if he was raised in the country but in the movie you can clearly see that he lived in a house in the city, next to other people.

~The house that got destroyed by Piccolo was in ruins and was pretty much in crumples all together but Goku went inside and was able to go upstairs into other bedrooms? Woah...that's kinda crazy.... not how the anime character was really least he was Asian.

~Chun-li is pretty hot. She's Asian and a fighter like in the anime. Fianlly, one thing right in the movie.

So...all in all, the movie gets a....
1 rose
(Just because Chun-li was pretty cool and hot and...accurate...ish.

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