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Monday, January 31, 2011

Body Dumped on Ramp in Salt Lake

Woah. Dead body found on ramp that's been run over several times before finally being reported in Salt Lake.

K so what makes me wonder about all this, is how did it get run over several times before being reported? And by a trucker. Not civilians but truckers.

1. You can't miss a body on the road.
2. It's in the city, it ain't a damn deer.
3. The only thing out there that has been run over are skunks...and maybe gophers.
4. So what happened to regular people calling the police? I mean, you can notice running over a dead body more in a car than in a diesel.
5. Maybe the people who ran him over thought that they hit him alive rather than dead on the road so they did this "hit and run" with a corpse....

Either way, when you should still report it. -______-;;
Because of the stupidity of people, this poor body has been trampled on several times. Not a good way of leaving this world. You guys have desecrated this body for no good reason. Such shameful people in this world now. And even more shameful and horrible people like the one who killed this man and dumped him on this ramp...or maybe he was accidentally dropped but either way...shaaaaaaaame.

(And another thing, while watching the news, I realized all of the bad crap was around where I lived and always travel @_____@;; I'm pretty weirded out and scared about that)

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