These icons aren't ads! These are easy ways to help people and animals around the world! I personally go to the Animal Rescue Site to click their button daily to donate. I'll play Free Rice whenever I can and make small donations to WFP whenever I am able to.
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Sunday, June 16, 2013

My new office!

I loved moving out of my old apt to a 2 bedroom townhouse. It's perfect (except for the fact that the people who lived there before us....were not clean people, ew). There were a lot of things wrong with the townhouse in terms of...when the snow melted, we had bags of trash in our backyard and lots of various trash laying around, they broke a few things, etc. BUT, it's big, has a fireplace, is two-stories, has a bakcyard, allows pets and we have super-quiet neighbors :D
The one thing I was excited about was the room that was going to be converted into my office. With me in school and working at home half the time, I needed my own room where I can sprawl out my work. I also had tons of books and pretty much needed my own library. My solution, rather than just keep buying more and more bookshelfs and taking up my whole room, was to build one in my closet! I didn't need the closet in my office, obviously, since it's an office, so I googled ways to build a bookshelf in my closet. It took a few searches before stumbling on an awesome video! The thing with me is, I wanted my bookshelf a certain way. I did not want to build it with shelf brackets, as it will cause breaks in my books and not allow maximum book, it wouldn't look as great. So this video was a lifesaver! I knew how to do it but not how to explain it to my boyfriend...he just wouldn't get it...he's more of a visual person at times.

I did exactly as this guy said and it turned out amazing!

Before the unveiling. Yeah, those are Bleach dolls lol 

Ta-da! I freaking love it, and it fits all of my books and more! (Yes, those are all mangas...but not ALL of my mangas)

I found a solution to my manga addiction, for now, it will do until I fill this all up too! Then I will just buy a bookshelf and hopefully my addiction will die down lol 
I also applied shelf liners to the wood to give it a more elegant, soft look rather than the plain wood look.'s more pics of my office.
My beautiful wall of calmness lol

This is my desk (IKEA Expedit desk)

I found more appealing ways to put all of my supplies in (all cheap too)

All in all, my office was renovated cheaply. I found lots of stuff on clearance or on sale. That whole wall of pictures, mirrors and clock was all on sale (shadowboxes were gifts). The pretty pearly decorative white thing was from the thrift store for $1. The other pretty, white jar things (cream, sugar, and cookie set) were on clearance for $3, the blue pencil holders (actually are candle holders) were each 20% off, the tall glass was on sale for $4, and the little cute globe was 20% but was still $8 (the most expensive thing on that desk lol). The only thing I've bought full-priced was the IKEA expedit desk. For the Buddha canvas, flower glass art, leaf glass art, and the forest canvas, it was all discounted but was only $90 all together. Sounds like a lot but they're bigger than they look and that includes shipping. The mirrors were on clearance for $5. Below the collage is a bookshelf that holds my printers and wireless equipment, but also a Buddha statue, two Himalayan salt candle holders ($7 each) and two fish bowls ($1 for the geometric one and $2 for the round one) with bamboo and bettas in it. It's amazing what yo can buy at thrift stores or when things go on clearance or sale. 
My boyfriend always complained about me buying stuff in our old apartment since I bought all of this stuff over time before I moved and it took up some space, but it all paid off :D

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