These icons aren't ads! These are easy ways to help people and animals around the world! I personally go to the Animal Rescue Site to click their button daily to donate. I'll play Free Rice whenever I can and make small donations to WFP whenever I am able to.
The Animal Rescue Site Fight World Hunger Help end child hunger

Friday, May 17, 2013

Maybe I'm Crazy?

My family and I have moved a lot, we've lived in California half of our lives, then to Nebraska, Vegas and Utah. And for some reason, everywhere I move, I seem to always have weird things happen. It might be ghosts or I might just be crazy. Everytime we've moved, my parents get's the biggest room or master bedroom and since I am the oldest, I'd get to choose my room, which is usually the second biggest room.
It makes sense that a bigger room would be colder right? Compared to smaller bedrooms. Well, when I pick my bedrooms, they're usually normal room temperature but once I start to get used to the place and settle in, it's always the coldest room in the paren'ts bigger room was even warmer than mines. I always tried to laugh it off by saying that it's because of my room layout, because it was laid out to where it seemed "spacious" rather than having objects closer together.
Well, I can't laugh it off when weird things start happening. It's only really happened to me, well, I'm the only one that really acknowledged it. My parents are superstitous but their views on ghosts in houses are, "I don't care if there's a ghost in the house. A house is a house. I don't care if it has ghosts or not, I'll live with them. You better be glad we have a place to live." ...yeah, they're pretty hardcore Asians. Truth be told though, I am glad I have a home, that we aren't homeless but dammit...why did the ghosts have to be there? Somewhere inside of me, I feel like as if something is following me but the occurances that happened at each house were completely different. I don't think my sisters have experienced anything or they may have, brushed it off or ignored it. Either way, I didn't want to ask them and get them scared.
I will have to write seperate posts for each of the houses I have experienced weird things with and link them back here.

I'm living on my own now and even though I'm not scared to walk around at night (with the lights on lol), I'm starting to hear noises again. It also doesn't help that I can hear my neighbors walk up and down the stairs or hear them walking in their bathroom (our floors are WAY creeky, creekier than haunted houses I've seen in movies)...or at least I hope it's my neighbors haha I can tell when someone is walking in my townhouse or in my neighbor's, it's my super hearing that helps so I haven't had "anyone" walk around in my hall or up and down my stairs....yet...and hopefully never will. I will admit though, when I hear my neighbors, sometimes it scares the crap out of me. But I have dogs now, so all is good, I have company when my boyfriend goes to work at night.

It's been about about 4 months since I've moved into my townhouse, it's a real nice townhouse if you take out how the previous tenants were gross. (Because of the snow, there was a lot of trash hidden in our backyard, lots of cigarette butts EVERYWHERE, it was literally covering every inch of land. There was also trash everywhere and actual trash bags full of trash...were these neighbors lazy or what? And in addition to that, there were a few problems, broken things and such BUT the kicker is that I had 3 people come over to ask for a previous tenant. Not friends. Oh boy, no, not friends. I think one guy was a "server", the other one...I'm not sure since I didn't see him and the last one was an officer. What did these people do? I'm not sure but I keep getting their old mail and some of the letters are from the District Attorney.

Anyways, I'm starting to hear noises, like someone is at the front if they're standing there thinking or doing something and accidentally hit the door or the rail and then never end up knocking or ringing the doorbell. It's the only place that these mysterious noises are coming from. At first, I thought it was my super hearing, just hearing my neighbors but then I can tell which ones are right infront of my door or farther than that. Either way, it's not ok, if it's a real person, then I don't get why they're there and if not, then dammit, why do I keep moving somewhere that has problems.

I'm starting to think that I'm either crazy or a magnet to haunted places.

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