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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pore Strip Comparisons

Ah it's been so long since I've posted anything.
Well, being a cheapo, I wanted to post something so I decided on doing it about pore strips.
About Biore Pore Strips compared to Kmart Pore Strips.

Sorry, I don't have pics but I can say right now that you don't need them because they both have the same results.
They both take out blackheads equally the same. Only differences are the smell, the Kmart brand smells a lot more like glue and the Kmart brand doesn't have those slits to form to your nose better. The only slit I thought was important was the one for the top of your nose where it has the most curvature. The other slits not being there, really doesn't make a difference.

I also tried making homemade nose strips with unflavored gelatin and that didn't work out too well. Just a waste of money. I followed the recipe from one of Michelle Phan's videos and it didn't have the same results.Smells ultra, ultra gross, and the texture wasn't right at all. If you don't get it right the first time, you cannot keep microwaving it. Once you mess up on the temperature, you have to throw away that first batch. I'll stick to the cheap Kmart Pore Strips, they're half the price for the same effect as Biore and only a little bit more than the gelatin package. The gelatin package cost around $2 or so and the Kmart brand was about $3 or $4 bucks. I also found some pore strips at my local grocery store, Food Saver, also known as Albertson's with a different name. I know it was an albertson's because they still sell products with Albertson's name. Their pore strips were actually $2.50!! It was so awesome. Once you get them, you realize it's the same strips from the Kmart Image Essentials Pore Strips just with a different "brand" name. The individual packaging is the exact same as the Kmart one.

Conclusion, use the Kmart Image Essentials Pore Strips so save money or you can also look around anywhere you go to see if anyone else has some for cheaper like I did.

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