These icons aren't ads! These are easy ways to help people and animals around the world! I personally go to the Animal Rescue Site to click their button daily to donate. I'll play Free Rice whenever I can and make small donations to WFP whenever I am able to.
The Animal Rescue Site Fight World Hunger Help end child hunger

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Are there any....?

Are there any fucking guys nowadays that are my age, that don't smoke or drink?
Because America is ruled by this shit.
There aren't many or maybe at all, that don't drink or smoke or do anyt type of drugs that is cute (I'm not trying to aim for fucking hot guy of the nation, just cute), who's not obese (sorry not trying to offend anyone, I don't want a steroid-up guy or someone way skinny, just not passed chubby), who would cook, clean, do laundry when needed?
I don't want a house husband. Just that, I get terribly busy and I would like to get some food in my belly before I run off to school.

I would like someone who enjoys sleeping next to me so he'll go to bed with me every night, someone who likes to eat with me, someone who likes to shower with me occassionally, who won't hit me, who won't force me to have sex (if I'm too tired or don't want it then don't sit there and try to convince me), who didn't have sex with 20 different chicks already.

It seems like not too much to ask.

I'm not asking for some 6 foot guy, dark hair, muscles, tanned, who's a smart guy, not an asshole,  who doesn't drink, who's not a man whore, who didn't do like 100 different chicks.

Nothing too specific.

I'm just wondering. I'm taken but it would be nice to know.

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