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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Proclaim Hair Polish

It's been too long since I've posted anything and even though I took pictures of stuff I want to post, I've never done it and ended up deleting them. BUT I finally thought, at least do one for this year.
So I have a lot of hair problems. My hair looks dry and frizzy all the time. After a shower, my hair poofs up like crazy and takes a whole day for it to "calm" down. This morning my hair was extremely poofy after my shower. Now, I dye my hair a lot, it's been about 3 weeks since my last dye or about 4...can't remember...anyways, the point I was making was that I do damage my ahir by dying it often. I do not use any heat on it though, no blow drying, straightening, etc. I still get split ends and still have frizzy hair...makes me feel like I might as well use heat if it's still going to act like how it was when I did use all of that.
After a shower, I rub hair oil into my hair. The problem with hair oil is that if you rub too much then your hair looks as if I never even showered. Who wants to take a shower to come out looking like they didn't at the end? I didn't shower for no reason! So I rub minimal oil into my ends and on the lower half of my hair. The other problem I have is that lately, I've been showering in the morning and because I don't use heat, my hair comes out different and all different levels of crazy on different days by the time I go to work. (I take a train to work for an hour so I always rush out of the door to catch it then I can't do much on the train.)
So at work, I've decided to also keep some type of hair maintenance...stuff, whether it's oil, leave-in conditioner, etc. On my desk right now is: Proclaim Hair Polish. Sometimes I feel wary of keeping it at my desk because let's be looks like a bottle of lube. I have to keep telling people, I swear it's hair serum or hair lube.

This calms my hair a lot! And does not make it greasy, which is why I completely love it. The thing is, I've never tried it on damp hair, just completely dry, so I can't recommend putting this on right after a shower. I'm writing this post to show you the results of this product, if you haven't figured that out yet. Sorry I write so long. This product made my hair go from the first pic to the last pic.

My hair became a lot more manageable, not as wild and does not look greased up!! Below I will show the steps of adding this to your hair. So for this first et of pics, I have my original poofed out frizzy hair. The second pic is when I applied the polish only once and rubbed it through the left side of the pic's hair. I did not use any on the other side. You can see it calmed down my hair a lot from the first pic but still not too much. How I apply the polish is by putting a couple of drops of it in my palms and I rub it between my palms vigorously for a few seconds to warm it on. This warms up the polish and helps it glide smoother onto your hair.

This next set is after another application of the polish. I still only applied it to one side of my head (the left side in the pic). It looks so much better and smoothed out my waves a bit more. 

And after one more application of the polish and I also did the other side. It sounds like I rub this polish in a lot, but this polish is so great at getting absorbed into the hair rather than just coating it. This helps keep your hair healthy and suck up any nutrients that the polish provides. This is also key to not having greasy looking hair!!!

After that, I realized my hair still needed a bit of taming and can handle more polish. PLUS, I was not getting the "inside" of my hair...meaning I've only really coated the more outside strands of hair. So for the last application, I tied half of my hair up so I can put some on the "inside" of my poofy hair.

My bangs look a bit weird in the last pic, but you get the idea. So for the final look, you can see my end are so much more calm and contained. They look at lot more sleek now that I put more effort in getting all of my hair rather than just the outside. I'm also going to put my hair up in a bun just to give it some curl. I only left my hair in a loose bun, tied at the nape of my neck for about half an hour or so. The longer you leave it in, the more defined curls you will have. The left side of the pic looks like it doesn't really have curls, but the curls are more on the "outside" of my hair where the "inside" of my hair is hiding them. I don't know if that made sense...To straighten my hair a bit more, I just tie my hair into a loose ponytail at the nap of my neck. I'm not sure why that works for me, might be because it gathers all of my hair and they weigh each other down and stick to each other? I'm not a hair specialist but that made sense in my mind. And sorry I look high in the bottom pic...I'm too lazy to take another.

Sorry it seems like a crap load of pics. I thought it would be easier to see each application side by side with the previous pics! You can find this product at Walmart or Sally's. It's commonly found in the "ethinic" hair section....or in simpler terms, the black hair section. (Growing up in the hood, we never called this section by it's "politically correct" term.)

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