These icons aren't ads! These are easy ways to help people and animals around the world! I personally go to the Animal Rescue Site to click their button daily to donate. I'll play Free Rice whenever I can and make small donations to WFP whenever I am able to.
The Animal Rescue Site Fight World Hunger Help end child hunger

Monday, June 10, 2013 Customer Service is Sh!t

Oh, how I love Walmart. No, not really...not too much anymore. Not after how shitty their payment processing is. It's like playing a game with their payment processing. Keep trying different payments and the same payments over and over until it goes through. So far only Bill me Later works...and that's only half the time. I like to buy my Virgin Mobile top-up cards through Walmart since it's cheaper and has none of those other annoying phone fees nor taxes. But trying to buy these cards are getting ridiculous. I've tried Paypal to directly fund from my bank account and to try BillmeLater. Didn't work. Tried it again for BillmeLater through Paypal. Didn't work. Tried my debit card directly. Nope. Tried BillmeLater. Fuck that. Tried Paypal to use my debit card. Screwed.
Wow, how I love you Walmart. It's like playing a game with my money. Thanks for all of the pending transactions for the next few days you piece of shit payment processing errors. WTF is wrong with your system.
Oh, and here's the best part. I decided to email's customer service. This is our conversation. It's pretty short due to the fact that they never replied back:

My last reply back to them:

That was the most unhelpful answer I have ever received from a company. You should probably read the whole inquiry rather than pick out key words and give out stupid answers that are barely relevant.

----------------------------------------------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------------------------------------------
Walmart Resolutions (
Hi Ajanta, Thank you for contacting regarding the cancellation of your order. Most items that are available on can be purchased using Bill Me Later. However, there are a few ex
From:Walmart Resolutions (
Sent:Mon 6/03/13 10:42 PM

Hi Ajanta,
Thank you for contacting regarding the cancellation of your order.
Most items that are available on can be purchased using Bill Me Later. However, there are a few exceptions. The following items cannot be purchased with BML:
  • Digital Music Downloads
  • Photos
  • Tires
  • Pharmacy
  • Online Gift Cards
  • Live Plants
Ajanta, if we have not fully answered your question or you have additional questions, please reply to this email.
Sincerely, Customer Care
Original Message Follows
06/03/2013 12:45 PM from you:
Hi, can you tell me why whenever I try to purchase this card, it gets cancelled. I tried Paypal to directly disperse funds from my bank account, tried Bill Me Later directly and before tried Bill Me Later through Paypal. I don't know why you can't "verify" my accounts when you've done it before. This is really frustrating and downright annoying. It's almost like playing a game, trying to see which payment will go through. Seems like Paypal never works with your website and the other form of payments are cards that you play in a game of chance. If the payment process was materialized as a person, I would have punched it and I'm a very patient person.

Oh, how I wish the payment processing was a person, I'd like to fuck him up. I'm usually not that mean or quick to anger like this, but this is completely frustrating. I have decided to just buy the damn minutes on the Virgin Mobile website and pay the extra like 7 bucks.


  1. I used to use for my Virgin Mobile $25 top-ups. but the past 3 times, my order was rejected for mystery reasons. Paypal DOES work for all my non-phone card purchases, go figure. Not a plug, but the only other place that I know of that offers instant pins, is They used to have the top-ups for 3% off before VM raised the rate they charge wholesellers. So I have to pay $25.50 since target,, either don't carry the $25 card, or don't offer email delivery of pins.

  2. Yeah, you know, I can use BillMeLater, Paypal, my card, and direct bank transfers everytime just fine except when I'm buying the VM top-up cards. That's always a guessing game, I have to try every payment option first and then a second time to see if some miracle will happen. Really annoying, especially the fact that Walmart does not help with the situation whatsoever. Their internet customer service really sucks. I only like to deal with customer service in person when it comes to Walmart. But because of this situation, I had to go to BestBuy and they charged the phone fees like VM does through their website and ended up paying 32 bucks for a $25 top-up card. I might try Target in person, to see if they charge the phone fees or not, sometimes I will see their $25 cards on sale for a few cents less. And if all else, I'll try!
