These icons aren't ads! These are easy ways to help people and animals around the world! I personally go to the Animal Rescue Site to click their button daily to donate. I'll play Free Rice whenever I can and make small donations to WFP whenever I am able to.
The Animal Rescue Site Fight World Hunger Help end child hunger

Saturday, March 16, 2013

I'm not going to lie...

I completely forgot that I had a blog! I've just been to crazy busy with work, school, moving...being super lazy and worn out ahahaha Well even though this move has been keeping me super busy and is very money-consuming, I'm really happy and ecstatic that I did! I moved to a bigger place, away from my one bedroom apartment in a huge complex full of kids, cigarette smokers, a neighbor next to me who always asks to borrow money and my crackhead neighbors downstairs! I moved to a two bedroom, beautiful townhouse and it is super quiet! No dumbasses bumping their music in cars in the middle of the night or morning! I did have a parking war though, ugh, I wanted to slash some tires, if they want to park in my spot, then they can park there til they can buy new tires dammit! It's been taken of though but took like 2 weeks to settle. I'm ecstatic to move because I now have an office/study! I have room for ALL of my mangas...I have 481 mangas and boy....I was only able to stick half of them up in my one bookshelf that I could only have because of my small one bedroom. I didn't buy another bookshelf to put all of my books though...I transformed my closet in the office, into a HUGE one! ...well my boyfriend did....but it's beautiful and it still has two and half shelves (if I include the floor) to put more books on! After I fill that up though...I'll need to find another solution....eek....I should control my addiction for manga buying lol. After I calculated how many books I will have altogether if I complete all of the series, it'll total up to around 800 (I made an Excel spreadsheet to keep up with what books I have, how many, how many in the series I have and will have if I complete it and the percentages of completion, I'm kind of an Excel geek, but only to this extent, I can't do coding crap). I will have to do another post of my bookshelf and post links on how to do it, it costs me about...$100 though, but that's because I had to buy some hardware like a stud finder, small leveler, big leveler. It would've been around $70 if I didn't have to buy those additional items...but they are essential! The $70 is mostly what the wood costs and includes the shelf liner I bought for it. Anyways, tada for now...we'll see how long it will be before I post xP

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