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Monday, April 11, 2011

I fell in love with "Switch Girl"

Of course, knowing me, I picked up another Shoujo manga. :3

This time, it's called "Switch Girl"!!!
It's sooooooo good.
I love it because it's hilarious and I think that every girl can relate to it.
Every girl does that one thing that she's afraid of showing a guy she likes, that ranges to farting or maybe something else weird.

Here's the description from Baka-Updates: 
Tamiya Nika is a beautiful, outgoing, popular high school girl. She has just the right look, just the right fashions, and is everyone’s friend. What everyone at school does not know is how hard Nika works to keep up this perfect image, and what she is REALLY like at home. When not at school, Nika is a scary, sloppy, tight-fisted girl who wears glasses, an ugly sweatsuit, and has her hair pulled back into unattractive buns. She lies around playing video games and reading manga. Her attitude is bossy and cranky, and she travels far out of her way to shop where she won’t be recognized.

Every day, Nika “Switches On” with a strict regimen of beautification that involves primping and plucking and careful dressing. The only person who knows about Nika’s Switched On/Off modes is her best friend, who is also aware of the reasons behind the changes.

However, soon a second person finds about about Nika’s personalities - someone who has his own On/Off switch, but in reverse! His name is Kamiyama Arata, and he is a recent transfer student. He meets Nika when she is in OFF Mode, and then again at school when she is ON. However Nika can see that he has his little secret. At school, Arata wears thick swirly-eyed glasses and messy hair that make some bullies think he is an otaku. However, at home, he ditches the glasses and is downright gorgeous! He is just the opposite of Nika, but why?
Associated Names
Switch Girl

Status in Country of Origin
14 Volumes (Ongoing)

Completely Scanlated?

**So if you're too lazy to read the summary, here's a short summary by me:
-Girl lives two lives. One lazy and slobby at home and popular pretty girl at school. She meets a guy who is "nerdy" while in her Off-mode (the mode she's in at home) and finds out that he goes to her school. He immediately figures out who she is while in her "On mode". She finds out that he's crazy hot, so they make an agreement not to reveal each other's secret.
Pretty short and simple eh?
My rating:

10/10 (for now o.o I'm not completely done with the series)

Links to read it:

I've been reading it on Citymanga.
And finally I've been not lazy enough to order the links by how many chapters they have from more chapters to less chapters.
So far, they have it up to chapter 25 then skipped to 33 (maybe a preview?).

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